A student practices soldering to build a working siren.
Guest speakers from the EPA provided an overview of their work and potential careers.
At the Girls’ STEM Summit hosted by UMass Lowell and Junior Tech, students were introduced to a variety of STEM fields. Here, students practice first aid skills.
Chemistry Lab
Check out our new computer lab for our Programming & Web Development option.
On a recent visit to Lawrence General Hospital, students practiced their healthcare skills on SimLarry.
AP Physics students visited UMass Lowell labs to conduct classic physics experiments. Here, two students study the spectrum of hydrogen.
A student in our Health Occupations program practices her skills on the SimMan.
CTE Health Occupations
Class of 2020
Students are using 3D printers to create prototypes.
Lt. Governor Polito inaugurates the new CTE programs at HHS.
New IT students and parents get a demonstration of 3D printing technology.