Haverhill High School

September 16-20, 2024

For all district related events please visit the District Calendar!
For Sports related events please visit the Haverhill Hillies Calendar!

Upcoming Events

Sat, Sept. 21 – Unified Athletics CARWASH!  @9 am

Sat, Sept. 21 – TEAM Haverhill’s River Ruckus!
Come watch the HHS Rowing team come down the Merrimack River to showcase the team around 12:30pm.

Wed, Sept. 25 – 1/2 Day all HHS Students

Thu, Sept. 26th – Class of 2025 College Info Night – HHS auditorium 6-7 p.m.

Thu, Oct. 10 – HHS Parent/Teacher Conferences

Thu, Oct. 24 – PSAT Testing at HHS (more information to follow)

Sat, Nov 2 – HOMECOMING DANCE 6-9PM HHS (more information to follow)

Fri, Nov. 22 – Last day for SENIORS to upload their own portraits!
If you had one taken during picture day, that picture will be used if we don’t get your upload on time.

 (see late bus schedules/routes)

Students MUST have a late bus pass from a classroom teacher, club advisor, or coach to be able to take the late bus. If they don’t have a reason to stay, then make sure they find a way home straight after school.

Haverhill High School Counseling Department

Check out all of the happenings in our School Counseling Department in the new Counseling Newsletter!

Counseling Assignments

Health and Wellness

Our Wellness Department continues to be excited to assist with student learning in Health. Part of your child’s curriculum in high school is devoted to continued health lessons and these topics are an important part of adolescence. The medically accurate, inclusive, developmentally and age-appropriate health lessons are taught by trained and qualified teachers, in a factual way. 

To learn more please read the rest of the letter: LINK

CLASS of 2025!

From your phone directly to the YBK!

Submit photos with eShare!

Class of 2025 College Info Night

Thursday, September 26th 6-7 p.m. HHS auditorium.

This information session is open to senior students and their families. Counselors will review important information about the college application process.

(This information will also be provided to students during their senior meetings in school)

HHS College Application Transcript Request Form

  • You must submit one form for each school
  • Fill out this form completely and submit at least 2 weeks prior to the application deadline.


Haverhill High School 2023 – 2024 Naval Honor School

The Haverhill High School MCJROTC has been selected for the 5th year in a row as a Naval Honor School for the 2023-2024 school year.  Only 9 out of 63 schools in region 1 (now Region 9) or the North East earn this honor.   We are very proud of the cadet’s hard work and dedication.

The selection is based on several criteria, including the number of cadets active in school activities and clubs, the number of community service hours for the unit as a whole and per cadet, the number of organizations assisted by the unit, and scholastic achievements including the number of academic awards and scholarships given to cadets. The units are also measured by participation in public affairs events, drill team competitions, rifle team competitions, physical fitness team competitions, and field trips.

Because of this prestigious status, the Haverhill High School unit will have the opportunity to send nominations to the U.S. Naval Academy, U.S. Air Force Academy, and the Military Academy at West Point.  The award also provides students who have a desire to join a service academy the significant advantage of earning recommendation letters from their JROTC instructors who, under this award designation, carry just as much weight as a letter from a U.S. Representative or Senator.

Bullets from last year:

2nd Best Marksmanship team, Best Pt team and Raider Team in New England!

Female Team 3rd out of 21 teams at Nationals PT Competition

Boys Team 4th out of 21 teams at Nationals PT Competition

2nd Best Raiders Team in the mixed division in the Country

Cadet Strength was 110 w/ 18 Seniors!  Scholarship money $780,880.00

Community Service Hours: 5880 w/ 32 Public Events

Thank you for the continued support and we hope to see you at our POW/MIA ceremony on Friday during G block.