Haverhill High School
Newsletter Nov 27-Dec 3, 2023

Tue Nov 28, 2023 – Student Council/Student Government Elections!

Tue Nov 28, 2023 – Japan Trip 2025 – Meeting after school with Mr. Kempinski for all interested students! Room M14

Wed Nov 29, 2023Early Release

Wed Nov 29, 2023EC Parent Information Night

Wed Dec 6, 2023Coffee House! Save the Date – plan a performance

Tue Dec 12, 2023 – iReady Testing HI/IJ Blocks

Wed Dec 13, 2023 – Early Release

Thu Dec 14, 2023 – iReady Testing HI/IJ Blocks

Thu Dec 14, 2023 – HHS Site Council Meeting 5PM-6PM

Thu Dec 14, 2023 – Parent Teacher Conferences 6PM-7:30PM

Wed Dec 20, 2023Winter Concert! Come get your cheer on for the holidays! Always a great event.

Fri Dec 22, 2023 – Early Release

Mon Dec 25, 2023-Jan 1, 2024 – No School Christmas Break

Tue Jan, 2024 – School Reopens!!

District Calendar / En Espanol

HHS Bus information:
HHS – AM Bus routes/numbers
HHS – PM Bus routes/numbers

District is adding text messaging (SMS) to SchoolMessenger Communicate


Shoutout to all of our amazing helpers to make sure that all of our Hillies could enjoy an amazing home cooked meal! Thank you to the hard working cafeteria workers, who always go above and beyond for our families! To our dedicated staff members who volunteered their time, and to the students who showed up to help with our 3rd annual Thanksgiving Delivery service! Thank you does not convey enough of our gratitude!

Thank you to the organizing team of Ms Tori Lu and Ms DawnMarie Paradis!


Santa Parade

Members of the Key Club at Salvation Army church Wednesday November 22, 2023 serving Thanksgiving dinner to the community.

From left Chloe Jones, Maureen Simmons, Alani Simmons missing from picture Josh Bedient.

Early College Information Night
9th & 10th Grade Student and Parent Information Night
Wednesday November 29th, 2023
Haverhill High School Auditorium
The Early College Program is designed to allow high school students the opportunity to earn college credits through Northern
Essex Community College while completing all requirements for Haverhill High. Students can earn up to 30 college credits for FREE!

Haverhill High School
Chorus and Band
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Haverhill High School Auditorium
Donations Welcome


Are you or do you know a civic-minded, 14 – 22 year old Haverhill Resident?
Volunteer at Ruth’s House and let us help you with the cost of camps, classes, workshops, athletic programs, and more!

Call us at (978) 521-5575
Email us at info@ruthshouse.org
Ruth’s House
11 Lafayette Square
Haverhill, MA 01832

Students in the HHS CTE Engineering, Information Technology and Computer Science & Web Development programs attended a conversation with Doug DeAngelis, founder of Lynx System Developers at UMass Lowell.  Doug talked about his entrepreneurial successes with his invention of the first PC-based high speed digital camera for replacing traditional “photo finish” in racing sports.  Students were also able to tour three engineering labs at UML: the Baseball Lab, Biomedical Engineering and Plastics Engineering.  The day concluded with lunch with UML staff, students and the speakers.  Special thanks to Jeff Gerson, Associate Professor, for inviting us and coordinating a great learning opportunity!  For more information about Work-Based Learning in HHS CTE programs, contact Lisa Hunt at lhunt@haverhill-ps.org

HHS Career Technical Education Freshmen and Sophomores in the Information Technology and Computer Science & Web Development programs were fortunate to hear from Thomas Leinhard (Cross Camera Controls) and Kelsey Carnell (Axis Communications).  They shared information about the security industry and the amazing technology available through security cameras!  Students are looking forward to a business tour in the Spring!  For more information, contact Lisa Hunt, Work-Based Learning Coordinator, lhunt@haverhill-ps.org.

After school tutoring!

Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30PM to 4PM

Room M12

Late bus available at 4PM. All are welcome to stay for extra help.

Late Bus information:

 Your student will need a bus pass from a teacher, coach, or club advisor in order to be able to access the late bus.

The bus picks up at 4PM. Students are not allowed to stay in the building to roam the hallways, they must have a reason to be here,

or they will be escorted out of the building. They will be able to wait in the cafeteria from the time they are finished until 4PM.

HHS – Late Bus routes/numbers

Want to make a difference?


Have some free time? Suddenly an empty nester? Want to do something impactful and incredibly rewarding?
It’s easy to get INVOLVED!
Our youth need anchors and advocates who can see their strengths. A caring, consistent adult can make ALL the difference!
Contact: allison.heartquest@haverhill-ps.org or 978-423-5654 for information

Mentoring can:
Improve attitude
Raise academic performance
Promote self respect
Build self esteem
Increase school attendance
Prepare the workforce of the future

Mentors will:
Be interviewed, screened, and
Be a positive role model offering advice, life skills, friendship
Make a difference in the life of a young person
Feel good about helping someone reach their potential
Be a part of the solution!



Please drop off donations by Thursday 12/14 with Ms. Sabella in Room 203

The SADD Club is collecting cereal and pantry items for Emmaus House this holiday season.

Food Items:
Adobo Seasoning
Maggi Seasoning Cubes
Fruit Cups
Pasta Sauce
Mac & Cheese
Cereal (Not Cheerios)
Juice Boxes
Canned Soup
(Not Chicken Noodle)
Apple Sauce
Salad Dressing
Bath Towels
Face Cloths

Join our Community partners in their Winter Coat, Clothing, and Boot Drive!

For more information, please click on the image!

Contact: Maureen Simmons – maureen.simmons@haverhill-ps.org or Isabella Aloisi – IsAloisi08@student.haverhill-ps.org


College/Career of the Week


University of Vermont

Location: Burlington, VT
Website: www.uvm.edu
Mascot: Catamounts
Enrollment: 11,898  undergraduate, 1,672 graduate



Established in 1791, the University of Vermont is a Public Ivy and top research university located in Burlington, Vermont.  Its size is large enough to offer a host of diverse ideas, resources, and opportunities, but small enough to foster close faculty-student mentorships. Students’ educational experience and activities are enriched by UVM’s proximity to a major city, farmland, and forests.  UVM offers seven undergraduate colleges and schools, a graduate college, a college of medicine, and honors college. 

Fast Facts:

  • 100+ bachelor degree programs
  • 17:1 Undergraduate student/ faculty ratio
  • 80 graduate programs
  • 30 doctoral programs
  • 36 accelerated master’s programs
  • M.D. program
  • 4 pre-professional advising options (pre-medical, pre-dental, pre-vet, pre-law)

What is Needed to Apply:

  • CommonApp or Coalition Application
  • College essay (optional). Optional essay prompts can be found here.
  • Official high school transcript
  • One letter of recommendation
  • Test Optional-SAT/ACT scores
  • Application fee: $55.00
  • Some programs may require additional information to be submitted along with the student’s application.

Average GPA: 3.8 Average SAT: 1310 Average ACT: 30-34

Take a virtual tour of UVM by visiting, https://www.uvm.edu/admissions/undergraduate/virtual-visit-uvm



  • Education Required
      • Teachers need at least a bachelor’s degree to earn certification in Massachusetts.
      • completed a master’s degree in a discipline
      • complete an approved teacher training program
      • complete a student teacher internship
      • pass a state licensing exam
  • How to know if you should be a teacher?
  • Do you love sharing knowledge with people and helping them to explore their own curiosities? Are you good at explaining things in a way that makes people feel encouraged to learn more? Does the idea of helping to shape minds excite you? If you answered yes to these questions, you may be a teacher in the making!
  • As of Oct 30, 2023, the average annual pay for a School Teacher in Massachusetts is $56,694 a year. 
  • Annual Openings: Very High
  • Related High School Coursework
  • Child Development
  • Computer Applications
  • Psychology
  • Public Speaking
  • Teacher Assisting
  • Classes in a particular subject of interest

Follow along with all of Haverhill Public Schools Social Media sites!

MCJROTC has a brand new website! Check out all of the amazing things they are doing here at Haverhill High School!

Hillie Sports

Hillie Sports Calendar

Come out and show your HILLIE pride!

The Haverhill High School winter sports seasons start on November 27. If you are interested in participating in a winter sport, please complete the entire registration process by November 17. 

Sports being offered this winter include: Basketball, Cheer, Gymnastics, Indoor Track, Ice Hockey, Skiing, Boys Swimming and Wrestling.

All tryout/practice schedules and registration information can be found at www.haverhillhillies.com or by following the links below:

Sports Registration

ImPACT Testing (Basketball, Cheer, Gymnastics, Ice Hockey and Wrestling)

If you have any questions, please contact (978) 374-5732 or email athletics@haverhill-ps.org

**All home games are free to students – bring your student ID or show your School Brains account on your phone **

Updated Chromebook Policy

We offer an outside company for an insurance plan for Chromebooks. Please follow this link. **

The deadline for returning students to purchase Chromebook insurance has been extended

to December 1st, 2023

** Please remember to have your students charge their Chromebooks every night! And bring their charged Chromebooks to school every day. 

We will no longer be able to give loaner devices. If your students’ Chromebooks is broken, or missing, please have them alert their

AP offices as soon as possible so that they can get a replacement device. Lost/missing Chromebooks are $200 each, without insurance.

Lost chargers are $40 each. Invoices will be added to your students account.

** The only exception to this policy is if the student has an assessment on a specific block/day. **



Due to poverty levels in Haverhill, all students receive free breakfast and lunch at school.

But there are 68 hours between lunch on Friday and breakfast on Monday when many students go hungry.

Thank you so much to all the community members who have already reached out! It takes a village!

* If you are in a position to help, please reach out to Nancy Burke at Haverhill High School. *