Haverhill High School
Newsletter May 27-31, 2024

Mon May 27, 2024 – NO SCHOOL – Memorial Day

Thu May 30, 2024 – HHS Senior Graduation Practice & BBQ at 1030AM at Trinity Stadium (SENIORS ONLY!)

Thu May 30, 2024 – HHS Senior Farewell at 6PM at Trinity Stadium (SENIORS ONLY!)

Fri May 31, 2024 – Class of 2024 HHS Graduation! 6PM at Trinity Stadium

Sat Jun 1, 2024 – SAT Testing at HHS is FULL –  sign up through College Board to check out other locations!

Sat Jun 1, 2024 BIO MCAS Tutoring

Tue Jun 4, 2024BIO MCAS (ALL 9th Graders)

Tue Jun 4, 2024Delayed opening for all 10th and 11th graders

Wed Jun 5, 2024BIO MCAS (ALL 9th Graders)

Tue Jun 4, 2024Delayed opening for all 10th and 11th graders

Thu Jun 6, 2024 – Final Exams Start – Click for schedule!

Fri Jun 7, 2024JUNIOR SOCIAL 6-9PM; Black Swan Country Club, Georgetown

Wed Jun 12, 2024 – Last Day of School for all students

Check out what our seniors are planning after Haverhill High School!

Seniors, make sure you go to the Instagram Link to add your future plans, Military, Work force, 2 year school, 4 year school!

This world has a place for all of us!




Sports Newsletter


Good luck to the boys tennis team! Playing their first game against Braintree on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at 4PM in Braintree! Great season with 10-4! 

Great job to the Haverhill High School Crew Team!


Senior Lacrosse Girls

More girls Lacrosse!

Spring Track & Field

Boys Baseball


Please email hhsnews@haverhill-ps.org your shoutouts so we can add them into the newsletter!


Ticket sales are OVER. Sale ENDED May 17!!

District Calendar / En Espanol

HHS Bus information:
HHS – AM Bus routes/numbers
HHS – PM Bus routes/numbers

Check out the latest edition of the Brown and Gold.

Our own student run newspaper

ARTS Shoutouts!!

Arts Mosaic Article in the Tribune – Arts mosaic

Congratulations to Connor Martel on being accepted as the 2024 MassArt Summer Studios Scholarship recipient!

The Newbury Art Association, in collaboration with The Hemphill Family Foundation and the Massachusetts College of Art & Design, offers a very special opportunity — an annual scholarship for the Pre-College Summer Studios program at MassArt. A four-week intensive experience in art making and critical thinking, this dynamic and engaging program is for a young artist who is serious about their work. Students will develop the discipline required to achieve excellence in their artistic endeavors and produce work for their portfolios.

We are all so proud of Connor! Can’t wait to see the work next year in AP Art Studio!

What happened last week at Haverhill High School

Please find pictures of all of these events on Facebook at Haverhill Public Schools, or Marilyn Caradonna (Marilyn is a hidden Haverhill Hillies GEM! She’s been taking amazing pictures of our Hillies for years, and never asks for anything in return. Feel free to give her some love if you see her out and about with that big camera of hers!)

Spring Coffee House – May 20, 2023


CTE Celebrations – May 22, 2024

Croston Poetry Reading Competition – Thursday, May 23, 2024
We held the annual Croston Poetry Reading Competition before Senior Sign Out.
Winners were: 
First Place: Sean Wynn
Second Place: Emily Fermin
Third Place: Kiara Ventura

Night of Stars – May 23, 2024

Senior Chapel – May 24, 2024

Senior Prom – May 21, 2024 
Castleton Banquet and Conference Center



As many of you know, I am a veteran of the United States Air Force, served over 20 years,and retired as a prior enlisted Captain. I come from a family that has served this nation in every major conflict from the Civil War (7th Infantry) to the current War on Terrorism. Most notably, my beloved grandfather in WWII, my father in Vietnam, and my Uncle Eric in Vietnam. There is an American Legion Post in Whitefield, NH named after my great-great-uncle Dewey Ingerson who died of his wounds suffered in WWI while serving in France. I share this with you because this weekend is Memorial Day. It is a time to reflect on the sacrifices of the men and women who have bravely given their lives to protect our freedom and way of life. These men and women represent every cross-section of our nation and came together for one purpose- to serve this nation. This includes a very good friend of mine whom I lost in January of 2005 in Iraq. I also reflect on the loss of my uncle Eric, who died as a direct result of his exposure to Agent Orange during his 3 tours in Vietnam. Additionally, the many brothers and sisters I served with, who are no longer with us. In the past few years, I have averaged about one loss per month. I do my best to honor these men and women each day, by always doing the best I can, no matter the circumstances life presents (notice the line in my emails at the bottom).  We took care of each other then, and with the challenges we are currently facing, we need to take care of each other now.

My message to the Hillie Community is to please take care of yourselves and your families this weekend; and to reflect on what matters most to you and your family, whatever that may be.

Lastly, as a matter of decorum, please don’t thank a Veteran for their service this weekend, that is for Veteran’s Day. This weekend is dedicated to our fallen brothers and sisters.

Capt. Downs
“Live a life worthy of the sacrifices made by others on your behalf.”

Parents/Guardians –

Please remember to pick up any medications PRIOR to the end of the school year. Any medications not picked up will be discarded at the end of the school day on June 12th.

As you are making appointments over the summer, please note we will need physicals and updated immunizations. Any students entering 11th grade will be required to have their updated meningococcal vaccine. If you haven’t submitted these yet, please bring them in or have your physician fax it to 978-469-8760

Enjoy your summer! Stay happy, healthy, and hydrated. See you in the fall!

HHS Career Technical Education students in the Freshman Healthcare Occupations class attended a field trip to the Public Health Museum at Tewksbury State Hospital. Students toured the grounds and learned the history of the State Hospital and its varied uses since inception in 1854.  Students also toured the museum on the grounds and learned about the history of Public Health, Care of individuals with Tuberculosis including an iron lung and its use; and exhibits about the history of the nursing school; Mental Illness and treatment, medications and the AIDs Epidemic.  Volunteer staff and the Museum curator shared much information with the students who were very interested and asked appropriate questions. The staff was warm and welcoming to our future healthcare workers!  For more information about CTE Work-Based Learning, contact Lisa Hunt at lhunt@haverhill-ps.org.

Haverhill High students in the CTE Healthcare Occupations Freshmen classes were excited to have Ella Harris speak with them. Ella is a student leader of the mental health club “Active Minds” at the University of Massachusetts in Lowell. She spoke with students about good mental health practices in high school and college.  Freshmen asked questions about student life at UML as well as how to best prepare for college while in high school.  Thank you Ella for sharing your time and experiences with our students!

HHS Sophomores in the CTE PLTW Biomedical Science program had the opportunity to visit New England Biolabs in Ipswich.  Students toured their amazing facility and lab spaces, received a lecture on Bacterial Art from Dr. Mehmet Berkmen and then created their own bacterial art pieces!  Student reaction to their visit: AMAZING!  Thank you to NEB for sharing your time and talent with our students!

HILLIES SHOP closes May 31st! Here are a few specials:


Community Events