Haverhill High School

January 7-11, 2025

For all district related events please visit the District Calendar!
Counseling Connection (updated regularly!) Counseling Connection!
For Sports related events please visit the Haverhill Hillies Calendar!
For any district related events please visit our Haverhill Public Schools Facebook Page
HHS CLUBS 2024-2025

Morning Announcements are now also available on your student’s Google Classroom!

Reminder of our attendance policy (Page 24 of the Student Handbook), if you arrive late, please check into the main office to make sure you are marked present for the day. If you have to leave before the end of the day, your parent/guardian must call to dismiss you, and that person must come in and sign you out in the main office.

Upcoming Events

Wed. Jan 9 – 1/2 day school
A – Block 1- 7:25 –  8:07 am. (Attendance & Announcements)
D – Block 2- 8:12  – 8:54 am
E – Block 3- 8:59 –  9:41 am
B – Block 4 -9:46 – 10:25 am

Fri Jan 17 – Term 2/Semester 1 – Grades CLOSE!

  • Report cards will be uploaded to SB on Fri Jan 24.

Fri & Sat Jan 10 & 11 – Winter One Act Plays! 7PM Friday, 2PM & 7PM Saturday

  • The Fine & Performing Arts Academy and the HHS Drama Club are proud to present the Winter One Act Plays! January 10th at 7pm and January 11th at 2pm and 7 pm. This year we are presenting “Quest” directed by students Valery Hileman and Lincoln Bohanan, and “The Price” directed by Mrs. Allen. Tickets are $5 for students and $10 general admission. You can pre-purchase your ticket online at ticketstage.com/T/HAVERHILLHS or pay cash at the door. Any questions please reach out to Mrs. Allen via email at melissa.allen@haverhill-ps.org

Thu & Fri Jan 16 & 17 – Reverse half days to accommodate ACCESS testing! Please read carefully.

Mon Jan 20 – NO School!

Mon Jan 20 – Polar Plunge! (please see more information below)

Late Bus information:

 (see late bus schedules/routes)

Students MUST have a late bus pass from a classroom teacher, club advisor, or coach to be able to take the late bus. If they don’t have a reason to stay, then make sure they find a way home straight after school.

Friends of the Haverhill High Unified Athletics program will be participating in a Special Olympics Polar Plunge on Monday, January 20th at Nicholson Stadium in Methuen at 11:00.

The link to our team page is here.

Current team members are:

  • Patrick Keraghan (HHS ESP) and girlfriend Kellie Salvage
  • Allise Rodger (Coffee Cafe Job Coach)
  • Jason Burns (Coffee Cafe Teacher) and son Thomas
  • Maria Capomaccio (HHS Unified Boosters President) and son Joshua (HHS Student)

All are welcome to join the HHS Unified Athletics Polar Plunge team, make a donation or just stop by the event for a good time.
We hope to see you there! – see attached last years team picture for inspiration!

HHS Guidance











December was another busy month for the Haverhill MCJROTC.  We performed several Color Guards for our local Veteran organizations and we had 21 Cadets volunteer for the Jingle bells  5K / 1/2 Marathon.  We were honored to march in the Veterans Day Parade and the Christmas Parade in Haverhill. Our Drill team competed in the Quincy High School Drill Competition and earned 2 more trophies.  Bringing their total count of trophies so far this year to 33. From November 15 to December 15 the Cadets and Instructors collected toys in the surrounding area.  On December 16th and 17th the Cadets and Instructors sorted over 2000 toys and distributed them to 9 Middle/Elementary schools in the Haverhill area.  The Cadets and Instructors also collected needed clothes, jackets and gloves for 25 families.  Thank you for the Continued support of our program.



Due to poverty levels in Haverhill, all students receive free breakfast and lunch at school.

But there are 68 hours between lunch on Friday and breakfast on Monday when many students go hungry.

If you are in a position to help the school community please reach out to Maureen Simmons!

Together we will make a difference towards food insecurity.



SchoolBrains | Parent Portal Access

Gain access to the Haverhill Public Schools Community Portal, where you can look up your student’s information related to schedules, grades, attendance, and more.

Step 1 – Contact Your School – Contact your child(ren)’s schools and make sure your email address and other relevant contact information is up to date.  Without this, you will not be able to receive a Portal Account.

Step 2 – Check Your Email – You may already have a message from the SchoolBrains Portal Support with the link and initial login information in your email. It may be in Junk/SPAM, so check there just in case! – The email will be from schoolbrains@haverhill-ps.org with the subject “SchoolBrains Community Portal Account.”

Step 3 – Login and Access! – You can find the Portal website link from the welcome email, as well as on the HPS LaunchPad at home.haverhill-ps.org underneath “Admin/Community Links.”

Troubleshooting – If you did not receive an automated email, simply contact Portal Support by emailing portalsupport@haverhill-ps.org from the email address you have on file with the school.

Please also include the following in the email:

  • Your Full Name
  • The Full name of your child(ren)
  • Your Full email address
  • Your child(ren)’s Grade Level(s) and School(s)
  • Detailed explanation of issue