Haverhill High School

January 13-24, 2025

For all district related events please visit the District Calendar!
Counseling Connection (updated regularly!) Counseling Connection!
For Sports related events please visit the Haverhill Hillies Calendar!
For any district related events please visit our Haverhill Public Schools Facebook Page
HHS CLUBS 2024-2025

Morning Announcements are now also available on your student’s Google Classroom!

Reminder of our attendance policy (Page 24 of the Student Handbook), if you arrive late, please check into the main office to make sure you are marked present for the day. If you have to leave before the end of the day, your parent/guardian must call to dismiss you, and that person must come in and sign you out in the main office.

Upcoming Events

Thu & Fri Jan 16 & 17 – Reverse half days to accommodate ACCESS testing! Please read carefully.

  • ALL students designated as English learners must report to school at the regular time, 7:25 a.m., for testing. If you are unsure if this applies to you, please contact your guidance counselor or English teacher. 
  • (Spanish) TODOS los estudiantes designados como estudiantes de inglés deben presentarse en la escuela a la hora habitual, 7:25 a. m., para realizar la prueba. Si no está seguro de si esto se aplica a su caso, comuníquese con su consejero vocacional o su maestro de inglés.
  • (Haitian Creole) TOUT elèv ki deziyen kòm elèv k ap aprann angle dwe ale nan lekòl la nan lè regilye, 7:25 a.m., pou tès la. Si ou pa sèten si sa a aplike pou ou, tanpri kontakte konseye pedagojik ou oswa pwofesè angle.
  • (Portuguese) TODOS os alunos designados como aprendizes de inglês devem se apresentar na escola no horário regular, 7:25 da manhã, para o teste. Se você não tiver certeza se isso se aplica a você, entre em contato com seu orientador educacional ou professor de inglês.

ALL other students are to report to school at 10:30am. AP students please check the attached schedule for times.

  • Bus routes will start pick up at 10:00am. 

Fri Jan 17 – Term 2/Semester 1 – Grades CLOSE!

  • Report cards will be uploaded to SB on Fri Jan 24.

Mon Jan 20 – NO School! – MLK Day

Mon Jan 20 – Polar Plunge! (please see more information below)

Late Bus information:

 (see late bus schedules/routes)

Students MUST have a late bus pass from a classroom teacher, club advisor, or coach to be able to take the late bus. If they don’t have a reason to stay, then make sure they find a way home straight after school.

Friends of the Haverhill High Unified Athletics program will be participating in a Special Olympics Polar Plunge on Monday, January 20th at Nicholson Stadium in Methuen at 11:00.

The link to our team page is here.

Current team members are:

  • Patrick Keraghan (HHS ESP) and girlfriend Kellie Salvage
  • Allise Rodger (Coffee Cafe Job Coach)
  • Jason Burns (Coffee Cafe Teacher) and son Thomas
  • Maria Capomaccio (HHS Unified Boosters President) and son Joshua (HHS Student)

All are welcome to join the HHS Unified Athletics Polar Plunge team, make a donation or just stop by the event for a good time.
We hope to see you there! – see attached last years team picture for inspiration!