High School
December 2-6, 2024
For all district related events please visit the District Calendar!
Counseling Connection (updated regularly!) Counseling Connection!
For Sports related events please visit the Haverhill Hillies Calendar!
For any district related events please visit our Haverhill Public Schools Facebook Page
HHS CLUBS 2024-2025
Morning Announcements are now also available on your student’s Google Classroom!
Reminder of our attendance policy (Page 24 of the Student Handbook), if you arrive late, please check into the main office to make sure you are marked present for the day. If you have to leave before the end of the day, your parent/guardian must call to dismiss you, and that person must come in and sign you out in the main office.
Upcoming Events
Mon, Dec. 9 – Term 2 Progress Reports Issued
Thu, Dec. 12 – HHS Parent/Teacher Conferences
Fri, Dec. 13 – BIPOC Union’s Family Feud Game Night! 5-7PM HHS Auditorium
Tue, Dec. 17 – Winter Concert
Fri, Dec 20 – 1/2 day of school
Mon, Dec 23 – Wed, Jan 1 – NO SCHOOL – Winter Break
Thu, Jan 2, 2025 – ALL Schools reopen!
Late Bus information:
(see late bus schedules/routes)
Students MUST have a late bus pass from a classroom teacher, club advisor, or coach to be able to take the late bus. If they don’t have a reason to stay, then make sure they find a way home straight after school.
RISE Multilingual Annual Friendsgiving
On Tuesday Nov 26, 2024 the RISE Multilingual after school program celebrated their Annual Friendsgiving. The students brought in a variety of foods that represented their cultures to promote diversity and inclusion. They were able to share what they were thankful for and played an interactive game! They were joined by Principal Mike Downs, Club Advisors Eridania Nieves, Leydi Diaz-Breton, Armani Fiato and Shawna Cruz.
I just wanted to share some positive news and pictures with you of our HHS Italian Club. Yesterday, over a dozen members volunteered at the Seaglass restaurant Sea Festival of Trees. They helped from 10:30-2:00 selling raffle tickets to huge crowds and they also helped Santa with the children. They did a fantastic job! I was so proud of them! Ms. Laffey
CTE Healthcare Occupations Juniors were fortunate to get an in depth look at Rivier University’s Nursing program. Dr. Judi O’Hara, Director of Undergraduate Nursing, led a discussion on the Nursing program and a Panel discussion of Sophomore, Junior and Senior Nursing students. HHS students participated in various activities in the Simulation Lab and watched a Clinical Simulation led by Rivier University students. We were also welcomed into their amazing dining hall for a delicious lunch (with dessert!). Thank you Rivier University for such a great opportunity for our students to learn about your amazing program and interact with your students. For more information about CTE Work-Based Learning opportunities at HHS, contact Lisa Hunt at lhunt@haverhill-ps.org.
CTE Freshmen in the Information Technology and Computer Science & Web Development programs were fortunate to visit Northern Essex Community College’s Haverhill campus. Students sat in on two computer science classes (programming language C led by Professor Michael Penta and Java programming led by Professor Kristen Sparrow). They learned about the college and received a tour (despite some rainy weather!) from Loreen Tirrell, Director of Recruitment and Admissions. Special thanks to Jay Termini, CIS Department Chair, for coordinating this great opportunity for our students! For more information about CTE Work-Based Learning opportunities, contact Lisa Hunt at lhunt@haverhill-ps.org.
HHS CTE Information Technology and Computer Science & Web Development Freshmen learned about the complexities of creating a lighting display synchronized to music. Larry Dysart, a member of the CTE Program Advisory Committee, explained how he programs the Halloween light display on his house. He even brought in some of the components, as well as the software that he uses to program the display. Thank you Mr. Dysart for sharing your time and talents with our students! For more information about CTE Work-Based Learning opportunities, contact Lisa Hunt at lhunt@haverhill-ps.org.
Check out all of the happenings in our School Counseling Department in the new Counseling Newsletter!
Check out the new December Counseling Newsletter!
SAVE THE DATE: GRADUATION for CLASS of 2025 will take place on June 6, 2025 at 5:45PM at the Trinity Stadium in Haverhill!
HHS College Application Transcript Request Form
- You must submit one form for each school
- Fill out this form completely and submit at least 2 weeks prior to the application deadline.
College Application Workshops
- Guidance will be holding college application workshops every Tuesday during long-block 10:14am-12:14pm through December 17th. These workshops will be held in the guidance conference room — the first room on the right as you walk into guidance.
- They are a great opportunity to ask a counselor any college application related question you may have!
- Please sign up to attend a workshop at this link: College Application Workshop Sign Up
HEALTH SCREENINGS - 10th Grade students
The nurse’s office will be completing health screenings during the week of December 2nd on all 10th grade students per MA regulations. Screenings include height, weight, hearing, vision, and scoliosis. The scoliosis screening requires assessment of the student’s spine, so we suggest for comfort, wearing a sports bra or tank top underneath regular clothing. Please make sure your student (s) bring their eye glasses to the screening if they are prescribed them already. If you would like to opt out of these screenings for your student, or have questions, please email hhsnurses@haverhill-ps.org prior to December 1st.

Volunteer for 15 hours and we will pay you up to $500 to the activity of your choosing (this does not include Driver’s Ed)

Haverhill Public Schools is hosting a district wide food and hygiene drive to collect essential items.

UNICEF is taking new toys and games throughout December. Please drop off in M23. All will be delivered to the shelters here in Haverhill.

UNICEF is taking non-perishable foods throughout December. Please drop off in M23. All will be delivered to the food pantry and shelters here in Haverhill.
Please look into these opportunities!
Due to poverty levels in Haverhill, all students receive free breakfast and lunch at school.
But there are 68 hours between lunch on Friday and breakfast on Monday when many students go hungry.
If you are in a position to help the school community please reach out to Maureen Simmons!
Together we will make a difference towards food insecurity.
Thank you so much to all the community members who gave so much last year! It takes a village!
Device Waiver Fee
As part of the District’s 1:1 initiative, every Haverhill Public Schools student receives a HPS-issued Chromebook. HPS offers the opportunity to protect school-issued devices for the school year by paying a Device Waiver Fee. As outlined in the HPS Student Technology Device Policy, this $20 fee will help to cover the costs of potential damage, repair, or loss for the school year for the assigned device. Please note: issues of theft should still be reported to the police.
The Device Waiver Fee is available for purchase throughout the school year.
SchoolBrains | Parent Portal Access
Gain access to the Haverhill Public Schools Community Portal, where you can look up your student’s information related to schedules, grades, attendance, and more.
Step 1 – Contact Your School – Contact your child(ren)’s schools and make sure your email address and other relevant contact information is up to date. Without this, you will not be able to receive a Portal Account.
Step 2 – Check Your Email – You may already have a message from the SchoolBrains Portal Support with the link and initial login information in your email. It may be in Junk/SPAM, so check there just in case! – The email will be from schoolbrains@haverhill-ps.org with the subject “SchoolBrains Community Portal Account.”
Step 3 – Login and Access! – You can find the Portal website link from the welcome email, as well as on the HPS LaunchPad at home.haverhill-ps.org underneath “Admin/Community Links.”
Troubleshooting – If you did not receive an automated email, simply contact Portal Support by emailing portalsupport@haverhill-ps.org from the email address you have on file with the school.
Please also include the following in the email:
- Your Full Name
- The Full name of your child(ren)
- Your Full email address
- Your child(ren)’s Grade Level(s) and School(s)
- Detailed explanation of issue