Haverhill High School

December 15, 2024 – January 2, 2025


For all district related events please visit the District Calendar!
Counseling Connection (updated regularly!) Counseling Connection!
For Sports related events please visit the Haverhill Hillies Calendar!
For any district related events please visit our Haverhill Public Schools Facebook Page
HHS CLUBS 2024-2025

Morning Announcements are now also available on your student’s Google Classroom!

Reminder of our attendance policy (Page 24 of the Student Handbook), if you arrive late, please check into the main office to make sure you are marked present for the day. If you have to leave before the end of the day, your parent/guardian must call to dismiss you, and that person must come in and sign you out in the main office.

Upcoming Events

Tue, Dec. 17 – Winter Concert

Thu, Dec 19 – WINTER COFFEE HOUSE! Sign up to perform in Room 202. Performance is at 7-9pm in the Library Pit

Fri, Dec 20 – 1/2 day of school

Mon, Dec 23 – Wed, Jan 1 – NO SCHOOL – Winter Break

Thu, Jan 2, 2025 – ALL Schools reopen!

Late Bus information:

 (see late bus schedules/routes)

Students MUST have a late bus pass from a classroom teacher, club advisor, or coach to be able to take the late bus. If they don’t have a reason to stay, then make sure they find a way home straight after school.




This weekend our drill team competed in our first drill competition of the year.  The cadets did an outstanding job competing against 12 of the best Drill teams not only in the state but the Country.  Our team earned 2 second place trophies and 3 cadets earned individual medals.  For the year our teams have earned 33 trophies.  Thank you for the continued support.



Students in the HHS Career Technical Education programs work on a Capstone Project during Senior year.  Francesca Purdy, a Senior in the Healthcare Occupations program, wrote a children’s book to raise awareness about cancer for her Capstone project.  She visited Ms. Wood’s second grade class to read her book!  We are so proud of our students and the thoughtful impacts they are making with their projects!

HHS CTE Engineering/Manufacturing Sophomores and HHS Physics students welcomed three Juniors from UMass Lowell’s Engineering program.  HHS students heard about college life and received valuable tips from these college students.  After the discussion, the UML students, who are members of UML’s Society of Women Engineers, led the group in a hands-on activity.  Everyone was engaged and asked great questions.  A special thank you to UMass Lowell for your support of our students!  For more information about CTE Work-Based Learning opportunities, contact Lisa Hunt at lhunt@haverhill-ps.org.


PLTW Biomedical Science and Engineering students collaborated virtually with industry professionals from Sanofi (a biotech company that develops and produces vaccines, medications, and treatments) and Phillips to tackle a real-world company problem during a virtual event hosted by the One8 Foundation.  Working in teams, students applied their PLTW skills, followed the design process, brainstormed and evaluated solutions with a design matrix, and presented their ideas.  Through valuable feedback from the industry professional along the way, students were able to hone the solutions they formulated.  The event concluded with a presentation from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office where students learned how ideas turn into products.

We are so proud of our two CTE students who presented their research projects during Parkland Medical Center’s ELO (Extended Learning Opportunity) Celebration Ceremony!  Saidatu Yussif, a Senior in the Healthcare Occupations program, and Elena Fairbrother, a Junior in the Biomedical Science program, did a great job explaining their research findings and sharing the highlights of their internship experience.  Thank you to the staff at Parkland Medical Center for providing these opportunities to local students!

Saidatu Yussif, (’25)

Elena Fairbrother (’26)

On Friday, December 13th, Mrs. Johnston’s CTE Biomedical Science class had a wonderful experience at Mass General Hospital. Students diagnosed anaphylaxis during a pediatric emergency simulation and were able to quickly administer an epi pen to their patient. They also were able to ultrasound their arms and necks and see the difference between arteries and veins on the scan. Finally, they learned about the career paths of an emergency room pediatrician, a physician’s assistant, and a registered nurse. It was a fun hands-on experience for all!  For more information about CTE Work-Based Learning opportunities, contact Lisa Hunt at lhunt@haverhill-ps.org.


Students from the Theatre Arts Pathway within the Fine & Performing Arts Academy participated in a collaboration with HC Media on Thursday, December 12th. Students in Improvisation class wrote, rehearsed, and produced sketch style comedy short films that were recorded at HC Media’s studio. Students worked from concept to final product, writing and revising their sketches, learning how to set up a shot, and how to work with the green screen.
HC Media is helping the students with the editing process, we can’t wait to share the final product with you!
Students pictured: Lyric Ortiz, Tony Peralta, Zander Nadolski, Emma Serverius, Lincoln Bohanan, Sophia DeFrank, Ash Martin, Max Boyer.


UNICEF is taking non-perishable foods throughout December. Please drop off in M23.
All will be delivered to the food pantry and shelters here in Haverhill.

More information to follow in the start of 2025!

UNICEF is taking unopened, new toys and games throughout December. Please drop off in M23.
All will be delivered to the shelters here in Haverhill.


2025 Yearbook

Hey Seniors!
We want EVERYONE represented in the yearbook.
We are specifically looking for Last First Day, baby photos, and Junior Social candids.
Please upload the photos using the link below.

Stop by Ms. Sabella’s room (203) or Mrs. Aiello’s room (205) if you have any questions.

And don’t forget to ORDER YOUR YEARBOOK — all yearbooks must be purchased in advance. Code: 6716