Haverhill High School
Newsletter December 4-8, 2023

Wed Dec 6, 2023Coffee House! Sign up NOW!!

Tue Dec 12, 2023 – iReady Testing HI/IJ Blocks

Wed Dec 13, 2023Early Release

Thu Dec 14, 2023 – iReady Testing HI/IJ Blocks

Thu Dec 14, 2023 – HHS Site Council Meeting 5PM-6PM

Thu Dec 14, 2023Winter Wonderland Paint Night 5:30PM-7:30PM – seats are limited

Thu Dec 14, 2023 – Parent Teacher Conferences 6PM-7:30PM

Wed Dec 20, 2023Winter Concert! Come get your cheer on for the holidays! Always a great event.

Fri Dec 22, 2023Early Release

Mon Dec 25, 2023-Jan 1, 2024 – No School Christmas Break

Tue Jan, 2024 – School Reopens!!

District Calendar / En Espanol

HHS Bus information:
HHS – AM Bus routes/numbers
HHS – PM Bus routes/numbers

Winter sports have started! Haverhill parents, grandparents, and community members, 62 years and older have free admission to ALL home sporting events! Pick up your Hillie card at the Haverhill Citizens Center!

District is adding text messaging (SMS) to SchoolMessenger Communicate!!

The district is adding text messaging (SMS) capability to SchoolMessenger Communicate, the system we now use for phone calls and emails.

Over the following weeks, families can opt-in to receive text messages from SchoolMessenger texting Y to number 67587.

  • If they opt-in before January 2, 2024, they will be pre-approved to receive text messages from Haverhill Public Schools.

  • If they do not opt-in before January 2, 2024, they will receive a mass communication from SchoolMessenger to their cell phone number on file in SchoolBrains asking for their permission.

 We have also included this information on the District website.

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We would like to send a reminder to all families regarding our food policy at HHS. Please see the following that is stated on page 15 of our Student Handbook:

 Note: Students are NOT permitted to place outside food orders to be delivered to the school.  The food will be confiscated.

Please also do not order outside food for your student that would be delivered to the high school as well.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Michael Downs
Haverhill High School

A Hillie Through and Through
Mrs. Jean Ray
September 26, 1953 ~ November 30, 2023 (age 70)

Friends and Colleagues,

Today is a very difficult day for Hillie Nation. For those of you that did not know her, Jean Ray touched so many generations of teachers and students during her over 30 years teaching in Haverhill, and then continuing with her assistance at nearly every HHS event since she retired in 2017– from graduations, to sporting events (and I mean ALL of the sporting events), to senior activities. There are many of you who were not here when she was who likely at least saw her, if not met her, at a school event.

Jean was one of the good ones; her general demeanor and approach to teaching and to students made faculty members and students alike look to her room as a place of safety and solace.

She was the epitome of the teacher: demanding enough to get the most out of her students, and kind and warm enough to never let them forget that she cared for them deeply. And she never held a grudge.

In the meantime, to faculty, she was a clear and wickedly funny observer of life in this building. Her continued presence in so many of our lives made us feel like she never retired, and she always held the people at Haverhill High close to her heart.

This is a loss that it is definitely okay and appropriate to feel, for those who knew her and those that care about our school community alike. Let’s all give ourselves and each other the grace and care necessary to make it into the holidays, and redouble our efforts to be the best teachers we can be for the students she loved so much.

Take care of yourselves, and each other,

John Craven
History Dean

Information on services

Haverhill High School
Chorus and Band
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Haverhill High School Auditorium
Donations Welcome

College/Career of the week

College of the week 

College name: Endicott College

Location: Beverly MA

Website: https://www.endicott.edu/

Mascot: Gulls 

Enrollment:  3,220 undergraduate students and 970 Graduate students 


Founded in 1939, Endicott College  is a private college in Beverly Massachusetts. Endicott offers associate, bachelors, masters and doctoral programs. The campus is located on 235 acres of land which includes access to two private beaches. Students can get involved in a huge variety of different clubs and organizations as well as get involved in sports.  Students are also required to complete Internships during their time at Endicott and will have the ability to study abroad if they so choose to. 

Fast Facts:

  • 80 + bachelor degree programs
  • 12:1 Undergraduate Student to Faculty ratio 
  • 38 Graduate Programs 
  • 5 doctoral programs 
  •  11 Certificate programs 

What is needed to apply:

  • Online application on the Endicott Website. 
  • College Essay, Optional Short Answer Questions can be found on the here
  • Official High School transcript
  • One letter of recommendation
  • First term grades from Senior Year
  • Application fee $50.00
  • Test optional- SAT/ACT scores
  • Some programs may require additional information to be submitted along with the application

Average GPA  3.7
Average SAT 1260

Take a virtual tour or schedule a tour of Endicott by visiting, 

Career of the week:


Education required

  • Bachelor’s degree in either accounting or business
  • Masters degree in Accounting
  • Taking the CPA, Certified Public Accountant exams
  • Internship experience in accounting

How to know if you should be an accountant?

Do you like math and thinking logically about things? Do you enjoy helping others? Are you good at looking at all of the details and asking questions to investigate more into things? If you said yes to any of these, you may be an accountant in the making!


Expected income: $77,250

Job growth: 6 % growth

Related Course work 

High school courses 

  • Accounting
  • Math classes
  • AP Microeconomics
  • Any business electives


Are you or do you know a civic-minded, 14 – 22 year old Haverhill Resident?
Volunteer at Ruth’s House and let us help you with the cost of camps, classes, workshops, athletic programs, and more!

Call us at (978) 521-5575
Email us at info@ruthshouse.org
Ruth’s House
11 Lafayette Square
Haverhill, MA 01832

After School Tutoring!

Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30PM to 4PM
Room M12

Late bus available at 4PM. All are welcome to stay for extra help.
Late Bus information:
Your student will need a bus pass from a teacher, coach, or club advisor in order to be able to access the late bus.
The bus picks up at 4PM. Students are not allowed to stay in the building to roam the hallways, they must have a reason to be here, or they will be escorted out of the building. They will be able to wait in the cafeteria from the time they are finished until 4PM.

HHS – Late Bus routes/numbers

Want to make a difference?


Have some free time? Suddenly an empty nester? Want to do something impactful and incredibly rewarding?
It’s easy to get INVOLVED!
Our youth need anchors and advocates who can see their strengths. A caring, consistent adult can make ALL the difference!
Contact: allison.heartquest@haverhill-ps.org or 978-423-5654 for information

Mentoring can:
Improve attitude
Raise academic performance
Promote self respect
Build self esteem
Increase school attendance
Prepare the workforce of the future

Mentors will:
Be interviewed, screened, and
Be a positive role model offering advice, life skills, friendship
Make a difference in the life of a young person
Feel good about helping someone reach their potential
Be a part of the solution!


Please drop off donations by Thursday 12/14 with Ms. Sabella in Room 203

The SADD Club is collecting cereal and pantry items for Emmaus House this holiday season.

Food Items:
• Adobo Seasoning • Maggi Seasoning Cubes • Fruit Cups • Pasta Sauce • Rice • Mac & Cheese • Ramen Noodles • Cereal (Not Cheerios) • Sardines • Mayonnaise • Juice Boxes • Snacks • Canned Soup (Not Chicken Noodle) • Beans • Apple Sauce • Salad Dressing
Bath Towels • Face Cloths


Due to poverty levels in Haverhill, all students receive free breakfast and lunch at school.

But there are 68 hours between lunch on Friday and breakfast on Monday when many students go hungry.

Thank you so much to all the community members who have already reached out! It takes a village!

* If you are in a position to help, please reach out to Nancy Burke at Haverhill High School. *

More information Click on links

ACCESS 21 is an Out-of-School Time Enrichment Program offered at Haverhill High School for students in grades 9-12. Enrichments opportunities include:

  • Culinary Skills • Glee Club • Internship • Life Skills • Robotics Club

Applications for the 2023-2024 school year are available online through the Haverhill Public Schools’ Discovery & Access 21 Website. For more information, contact the Discovery Club/Access 21 office or through the link: https://Discoveryclub.haverhill-ps.org


Locker update:

All lockers that were requested have been assigned.

If your student still needs a locker, please see Mrs. Zbitnoff in the M Wing Office.

Check out our very own on campus store for all of your Hillie gear!

Hillies Shop

Catch up with the Hillies student run newspaper!

The Brown & Gold

Does your student need a work permit for a job in Massachusetts?

Here is the information: and the MA Work Permit Application

Students can get their workers permit issued (with fully completed application and proof of age) at Haverhill High School in the M Wing Office and the C Wing Office before and after school or during lunches.

They can also get it issued at City Hall M-F 8AM-4PM.