HHS Newsletter Dec 18-29, 2023

Haverhill High School
Newsletter December 18-29, 2023
2 week edition
Mon Dec 18-22, 2023 – Student council SPIRIT WEEK!!
Mon Dec 18, 2023 – SNHU will be at HHS for an on the spot admission day. See your counselor to sign up! Read below for information on SNHU!
Wed Dec 20, 2023 – Winter Concert! Come get your cheer on for the holidays! Always a great event.
Fri Dec 22, 2023 –Early Release
Mon Dec 25, 2023-Jan 1, 2024 – No School Christmas Break
Tue Jan, 2024 – School Reopens!!

Haverhill High School
Chorus and Band
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Haverhill High School Auditorium
Donations Welcome
District Calendar / En Espanol
HHS Bus information:
HHS – AM Bus routes/numbers
HHS – PM Bus routes/numbers
District is adding text messaging (SMS) to SchoolMessenger Communicate!!
The district is adding text messaging (SMS) capability to SchoolMessenger Communicate, the system we now use for phone calls and emails.
Over the following weeks, families can opt-in to receive text messages from SchoolMessenger texting Y to number 67587.
If they opt-in before January 2, 2024, they will be pre-approved to receive text messages from Haverhill Public Schools.
If they do not opt-in before January 2, 2024, they will receive a mass communication from SchoolMessenger to their cell phone number on file in SchoolBrains asking for their permission.
We have also included this information on the District website.
Please take a moment to read the Haverhill Public Schools Crisis/Emergency Preparedness information for Parents and Guardians from Dr. Margaret Marotta, Superintendent of Haverhill Public Schools.
Dear Haverhill Community,
As we approach another season of intense sporting events, please be mindful that athletics are the front porch to our community. I have spoken to some of the teams and coaches about expectations. Please read letter from Athletics Director Tom O’Brien below. We wish you a very happy Holiday Season.
Principal Michael Downs
We are excited for the upcoming winter sports seasons. When attending events, please adhere to the following expectations:
Cheer positively for the Hillies and be respectful of the coaches, opponents, officials, and guests for both teams.
Inappropriate language and behavior will not be tolerated and will result in removal from the event and possible further disciplinary action. This includes derogatory comments, songs, gestures or any negative cheering and chants directed towards either team.
Backpacks are not allowed. If there is a need to bring a bag, it may be subject to search.
Noisemakers are not permitted.
If you leave the facility, you may not reenter.
School rules apply for all Haverhill students attending school-sponsored, extracurricular events, whether at Haverhill facilities or another location. Violations of the HHS code of conduct, as outlined in the student handbook, may result in disciplinary consequences.
The following are general admission prices for the winter seasons:
- Basketball – $5
- Wrestling – $5
- Ice Hockey – $6
Haverhill Public School students are admitted free to all home athletic events with a valid school ID.
Senior citizens are eligible for a Gold Card, which can be picked up at the Council on Aging located at the Haverhill Citizens Center.
Season passes are available for just $25 and are good for admission to all regular season home athletic events this winter. These are digital passes only and can be purchased here:
We look forward to an enjoyable winter season. Go Hillies!
The nurse’s office will be completing health screenings during the week of January 15th on all 10th grade students per MA regulations. Screenings include height, weight, hearing, vision, and scoliosis. Scoliosis requires assessment of the student’s spine, we suggest for comfort, wearing a sports bra or tank top underneath regular clothing. If you would like to opt out of these screenings for your student, or have questions, please email hhsnurses@haverhill-ps.org prior to January 15th.
Computer Science & Web Development and Technology
CTE Freshmen in the Computer Science & Web Development and Information Technology programs learned about the game design industry from Emily Treat Czar, our recent guest speaker. Emily shared on topics such as the various roles within the field, how she was able to travel the world as a game designer and what it’s like to be a female in the tech industry. We appreciate the time she took out of her day to spend with our students. Thanks Emily!
HHS CTE Women in Tech club welcomed ten female tech leaders, including four CTE alumni to engage in a panel discussion followed by a networking opportunity for HHS students. The intent was to strengthen the retention of female students in STEM career pathways at HHS. The CTE program is currently accepting applications for middle school students in 8th grade and HHS 9th graders. For more information, see the CTE website at http://cte.haverhill-ps.org/
Message from Haverhill Public School Wellness Department
Substance Use & Mental Health Survey – Haverhill Public Schools will administer a brief and confidential survey on December 19th about substance use and mental health to all Haverhill High School students. This survey is conducted in partnership with Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. This survey is offered to students in grades 9-12 in order to gain insight into the experiences and perspectives of our youth. We conduct surveys such as this each year to better understand and assess the needs of our student population in regards to programming and services within our city.
The information your child provides will be invaluable in not only improving our understanding of adolescent mental health and substance use, but also in helping the Mass General team and Haverhill Public Schools to develop more effective intervention, prevention, and education programs to help students and families. More information and an opt out opportunity will be sent home prior to December 19th if you choose that your student not participate. If you have any questions please contact: Jami Dion, jdion@haverhill-ps.org or Megan Arivella megan.arivella@haverhill-ps.org
lymouth State University
Location: Plymouth, NH
Mascot: Panther
Enrollment: 4,100
Plymouth State offers you a broad range of distinctive programs at an exceptional level of academic excellence.
Up here, you’ll receive the educational experience you would expect from a private school: small classes taught by dedicated faculty whose passion for teaching will spark both your intelligence and your imagination; personal attention from faculty and staff; and outstanding opportunities to lead and to serve—all at state school costs. You won’t sit in the back of a huge lecture hall taking notes; you’ll take an active role in your learning process.
You’ll also have access to some of the most comprehensive state-of-the-art laboratories, research facilities, and learning environments in the region. Plus, there’s ample real-world experience to be had through our Integrated Clusters and Open Labs, our extensive network of undergraduate research opportunities, professional internships, national and international study programs, and service learning and community service opportunities.
Average GPA: Successful applicants generally earn between a 2.5-3.5 cumulative GPA (on a 4.0 scale) in the five core subject areas listed above and are involved in some type of extra-curricular activity or activities.
Average SAT Score: SAT and ACT scores aren’t needed to be considered for acceptance unless you are pursuing a nursing degree.
Education Required: Bachelor’s Degree, Internship, Certification
Typical Tasks Associated with This Career:
Monitor medical facility activities to ensure adherence to standards and regulations.
Analyze patient data to determine patient needs or treatment goals.
Provide health and wellness advice to patients, program participants, and caregivers.
Collaborate with healthcare professionals to plan or provide treatment.
Conduct research to increase knowledge about medical issues.
Manage healthcare operations.
Direct healthcare delivery programs.
Advise communities or institutions regarding health or safety issues.
Expected Income: Average: $60,370
Job Growth: 11% next 10 years
Related High School Coursework
- Biology
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Chemistry
- Pre-Calculus
- Health
- Intro to Food and Nutrition
- Psychology
- Sociology

Hello Haverhill High School Community –
Yearbooks are for ALL students (grades 9-13). $10 off the final price – (correctly priced online) – but discount EXPIRES 12.31. CLICK HERE
Senior Parents – Celebrate Grad Ads – $20 Off – Expires 12.31. (correctly priced online). Templates available and step by step instructions. CLICK HERE
Thank you for supporting the Haverhill HS YBK Program!
Ruth's House Scholarship Opportunity

After School Tutoring!
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30PM to 4PM
Room M12
Late bus available at 4PM. All are welcome to stay for extra help.
Late Bus information:
Your student will need a bus pass from a teacher, coach, or club advisor in order to be able to access the late bus.
The bus picks up at 4PM. Students are not allowed to stay in the building to roam the hallways, they must have a reason to be here, or they will be escorted out of the building. They will be able to wait in the cafeteria from the time they are finished until 4PM.
HHS – Late Bus routes/numbers

Want to make a difference?
Have some free time? Suddenly an empty nester? Want to do something impactful and incredibly rewarding?
It’s easy to get INVOLVED!
Our youth need anchors and advocates who can see their strengths. A caring, consistent adult can make ALL the difference!
Contact: allison.heartquest@haverhill-ps.org or 978-423-5654 for information
Mentoring can:
Improve attitude
Raise academic performance
Promote self respect
Build self esteem
Increase school attendance
Prepare the workforce of the future
Mentors will:
Be interviewed, screened, and
Be a positive role model offering advice, life skills, friendship
Make a difference in the life of a young person
Feel good about helping someone reach their potential
Be a part of the solution!
Due to poverty levels in Haverhill, all students receive free breakfast and lunch at school.
But there are 68 hours between lunch on Friday and breakfast on Monday when many students go hungry.
Thank you so much to all the community members who have already reached out! It takes a village!
* If you are in a position to help, please reach out to Nancy Burke at Haverhill High School. *

ACCESS 21 is an Out-of-School Time Enrichment Program offered at Haverhill High School for students in grades 9-12. Enrichments opportunities include:
- Culinary Skills • Glee Club • Internship • Life Skills • Robotics Club
Applications for the 2023-2024 school year are available online through the Haverhill Public Schools’ Discovery & Access 21 Website. For more information, contact the Discovery Club/Access 21 office or through the link: https://Discoveryclub.haverhill-ps.org

Locker update:
All lockers that were requested have been assigned.
If your student still needs a locker, please see Mrs. Zbitnoff in the M Wing Office.
Check out our very own on campus store for all of your Hillie gear!
Hillies Shop
Catch up with the Hillies student run newspaper!
The Brown & Gold
Does your student need a work permit for a job in Massachusetts?
Here is the information: and the MA Work Permit Application
Students can get their workers permit issued (with fully completed application and proof of age) at Haverhill High School in the M Wing Office and the C Wing Office before and after school or during lunches.
They can also get it issued at City Hall M-F 8AM-4PM.