HHS Newsletter Dec 11-15, 2023

Haverhill High School
Newsletter December 11-15, 2023
Mon Dec 11, 2023 – SEPAC Meeting
Tue Dec 12, 2023 – iReady Testing HI/IJ Blocks
Wed Dec 13, 2023 – Early Release
Thu Dec 14, 2023 – iReady Testing HI/IJ Blocks
Thu Dec 14, 2023 – HHS Site Council Meeting 5PM-6PM
Thu Dec 14, 2023 – Winter Wonderland Paint Night 5:30PM-7:30PM – seats are limited
Thu Dec 14, 2023 – Parent Teacher Conferences 6PM-7:30PM
*** Need to attend parent-teacher conferences but don’t have a sitter for your younger kids? Interact Club has got you covered! Drop them off in the library with our responsible and engaging team while you meet your high schooler’s teachers—just note we have a cap of 15 kids, so act fast! ***
Mon Dec 18, 2023 – SNHU will be at HHS for an on the spot admission day. See your counselor to sign up! Read below for information on SNHU!
Wed Dec 20, 2023 – Winter Concert! Come get your cheer on for the holidays! Always a great event.
Fri Dec 22, 2023 – Early Release
Mon Dec 25, 2023-Jan 1, 2024 – No School Christmas Break
Tue Jan, 2024 – School Reopens!!
District Calendar / En Espanol
HHS Bus information:
HHS – AM Bus routes/numbers
HHS – PM Bus routes/numbers
Winter sports have started! Haverhill parents, grandparents, and community members, 62 years and older have free admission to ALL home sporting events! Pick up your Hillie card at the Haverhill Citizens Center!
District is adding text messaging (SMS) to SchoolMessenger Communicate!!
The district is adding text messaging (SMS) capability to SchoolMessenger Communicate, the system we now use for phone calls and emails.
Over the following weeks, families can opt-in to receive text messages from SchoolMessenger texting Y to number 67587.
If they opt-in before January 2, 2024, they will be pre-approved to receive text messages from Haverhill Public Schools.
If they do not opt-in before January 2, 2024, they will receive a mass communication from SchoolMessenger to their cell phone number on file in SchoolBrains asking for their permission.
We have also included this information on the District website.
We used stay in places this week for both medical emergencies and to help de-escalate a few situations involving students. This is an effective tool to help us maintain privacy, dignity and safety of all students. If the safety of the school and or student body was at risk I would use a shelter in place or lockdown and therefore provide more information. I have to give credit to the 99.5% of the student body who continued their day in a normal fashion and who always try to do the right thing each and every day. I also want to thank the staff for all their help this week. As the principal of the school, a trained ALICE instructor and veteran of the armed services safety is paramount to me for all students and staff and I will use any tool I can to maintain that. Haverhill High School is full of great students with many great things going on and I don’t want the actions of a few to diminish that.
Mike Downs
The nurse’s office will be completing health screenings during the week of January 15th on all 10th grade students per MA regulations. Screenings include height, weight, hearing, vision, and scoliosis. Scoliosis requires assessment of the student’s spine, we suggest for comfort, wearing a sports bra or tank top underneath regular clothing. If you would like to opt out of these screenings for your student, or have questions, please email hhsnurses@haverhill-ps.org prior to January 15th.
Haverhill High School
Chorus and Band
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Haverhill High School Auditorium
Donations Welcome
These are the Lions Club Youth Speech Contest Winners. Rebecca Morin who is an HHS math teacher, alumni and former winner was one of the judges in the contest.
Three HHS students competed and gave well-researched and thought-provoking speeches.
The winners were:
3rd Place: Dehkontee Cooper
2nd Place: David Martinez
1st Place: Maya Ismail
Message from Haverhill Public School Wellness Department
Substance Use & Mental Health Survey – Haverhill Public Schools will administer a brief and confidential survey on December 19th about substance use and mental health to all Haverhill High School students. This survey is conducted in partnership with Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. This survey is offered to students in grades 9-12 in order to gain insight into the experiences and perspectives of our youth. We conduct surveys such as this each year to better understand and assess the needs of our student population in regards to programming and services within our city.
The information your child provides will be invaluable in not only improving our understanding of adolescent mental health and substance use, but also in helping the Mass General team and Haverhill Public Schools to develop more effective intervention, prevention, and education programs to help students and families. More information and an opt out opportunity will be sent home prior to the 19th if you choose that your student not participate. If you have any questions please contact: Jami Dion, jdion@haverhill-ps.org or Megan Arivella megan.arivella@haverhill-ps.org
Exciting day at UMass for the CTE Technology and Engineering students! Jason Stone, vice president of site and stadium operations for Kraft Sport discussed sustainability at Gillette Stadium. One of our lucky students even won a Patriots football with their correct answer! Plus, students got to try on a championship ring! We also had the chance to explore UML’s engineering labs and enjoyed lunch with staff and students. A big thanks to Jeff Gerson for organizing this fantastic learning opportunity! For more information about Work-Based Learning in HHS CTE programs, contact Lisa Hunt at lhunt@haverhill-ps.org.
HHS Career Technical Education Healthcare Occupations and Biomedical Science Juniors and Seniors were fortunate to attend Body Worlds: The Anatomy of Happiness exhibit. The exhibition teaches (through real human bodies) what parts of the anatomy are involved in happiness and how positive and negative emotions can affect the entire body. What an amazing and unique learning opportunity! For more information about work-based learning opportunities in the HHS CTE programs, contact Lisa Hunt at lhunt@haverhill-ps.org.
College/Career of the week
Southern New Hampshire University
Location: Manchester, NH
Mascot: Petey Penmen
*SNHU will be at HHS on Monday 12/19 for an on the spot admission day.
See your counselor to sign up!
Southern New Hampshire University transforms the lives of students. As a private, nonprofit university, they’ve set out to provide high-quality, innovative pathways to meet the needs of all students. Whether attending classes on their scenic New England campus or taking classes online, they’re committed to helping you see yourself succeed.
SNHU is transfer friendly, convenient (with numerous online and hybrid programs), and career focused (with 300+ career focused programs)
Admission Criteria:
- Completed Common Application & Essay
- Official high school or secondary school transcript
- $65 nonrefundable application fee
- SAT and/or ACT scores are optional
- 1 letter of recommendation
- No Application fee
Average GPA: 3.0
Average Standardized Test Score: Test Optional
Average: 1070, ACT 22
Software Developer
- Education Required: Bachelor’s degree (Computer Science)
- Typical Tasks Associated with This Career:
- Analyze users’ needs and then design, test, and develop software to meet those needs
- Recommend software upgrades for customers’ existing programs and systems
- Design each piece of an application or system and plan how the pieces will work together
- Create a variety of models and diagrams (such as flowcharts) that show programmers the software code needed for an application
- Ensure that a program continues to function normally through software maintenance and testing
- Document every aspect of an application or system as a reference for future maintenance and upgrades
- Collaborate with other computer specialists to create optimum software
- Expected Income: Average: $103,620
- Job Growth:22% next 10 years
- Related High School Coursework
- Computer Technology
- AP Computer Science
- Probability and Statistics
- Pre-Calculus
- Calculus
- Intro to Programming
- CVTE NAF Academy

Hello Haverhill High School Community –
Yearbooks are for ALL students (grades 9-13). $10 off the final price – (correctly priced online) – but discount EXPIRES 12.31. CLICK HERE
Senior Parents – Celebrate Grad Ads – $20 Off – Expires 12.31. (correctly priced online). Templates available and step by step instructions. CLICK HERE
Thank you for supporting the Haverhill HS YBK Program!
Ruth's House Scholarship Opportunity
After School Tutoring
After School Tutoring!
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30PM to 4PM
Room M12
Late bus available at 4PM. All are welcome to stay for extra help.
Late Bus information:
Your student will need a bus pass from a teacher, coach, or club advisor in order to be able to access the late bus.
The bus picks up at 4PM. Students are not allowed to stay in the building to roam the hallways, they must have a reason to be here, or they will be escorted out of the building. They will be able to wait in the cafeteria from the time they are finished until 4PM.
HHS – Late Bus routes/numbers

Want to make a difference?
Have some free time? Suddenly an empty nester? Want to do something impactful and incredibly rewarding?
It’s easy to get INVOLVED!
Our youth need anchors and advocates who can see their strengths. A caring, consistent adult can make ALL the difference!
Contact: allison.heartquest@haverhill-ps.org or 978-423-5654 for information
Mentoring can:
Improve attitude
Raise academic performance
Promote self respect
Build self esteem
Increase school attendance
Prepare the workforce of the future
Mentors will:
Be interviewed, screened, and
Be a positive role model offering advice, life skills, friendship
Make a difference in the life of a young person
Feel good about helping someone reach their potential
Be a part of the solution!
Please drop off donations by Thursday 12/14 with Ms. Sabella in Room 203
The SADD Club is collecting cereal and pantry items for Emmaus House this holiday season.
Food Items:
• Adobo Seasoning • Maggi Seasoning Cubes • Fruit Cups • Pasta Sauce • Rice • Mac & Cheese • Ramen Noodles • Cereal (Not Cheerios) • Sardines • Mayonnaise • Juice Boxes • Snacks • Canned Soup (Not Chicken Noodle) • Beans • Apple Sauce • Salad Dressing
Bath Towels • Face Cloths
Due to poverty levels in Haverhill, all students receive free breakfast and lunch at school.
But there are 68 hours between lunch on Friday and breakfast on Monday when many students go hungry.
Thank you so much to all the community members who have already reached out! It takes a village!
* If you are in a position to help, please reach out to Nancy Burke at Haverhill High School. *
More information Click on links

ACCESS 21 is an Out-of-School Time Enrichment Program offered at Haverhill High School for students in grades 9-12. Enrichments opportunities include:
- Culinary Skills • Glee Club • Internship • Life Skills • Robotics Club
Applications for the 2023-2024 school year are available online through the Haverhill Public Schools’ Discovery & Access 21 Website. For more information, contact the Discovery Club/Access 21 office or through the link: https://Discoveryclub.haverhill-ps.org

Locker update:
All lockers that were requested have been assigned.
If your student still needs a locker, please see Mrs. Zbitnoff in the M Wing Office.
Check out our very own on campus store for all of your Hillie gear!
Hillies Shop
Catch up with the Hillies student run newspaper!
The Brown & Gold
Does your student need a work permit for a job in Massachusetts?
Here is the information: and the MA Work Permit Application
Students can get their workers permit issued (with fully completed application and proof of age) at Haverhill High School in the M Wing Office and the C Wing Office before and after school or during lunches.
They can also get it issued at City Hall M-F 8AM-4PM.