Haverhill High School

August 26-30, 2024

Upcoming Events

For all district related events please visit the District Calendar!
For Sports related events please visit the Haverhill Hillies Calendar!

Tuesday, August 27 – 1st Day of School

Wednesday, August 28 – Picture DAY!!

Friday, August 30 – 1/2 Day  

Monday, September 2 – No School

Wednesday, September 4 – iReady Testing – 7:25AM-9:16AM (A&D)

Thursday, September 5 – Meet the staff 6pm at Haverhill High School

Friday, September 6 – iReady Testing – 7:25AM-9:16AM (E&C)

Saturday, September 21 – Unified Athletics CARWASH!  @9 am

Wednesday, September 25 – 1/2 Day 


To Haverhill High School Students, Parents and Guardians:

Welcome and welcome back everyone. Last year we made great strides in our operations and connecting to students. Our goal is to continue improving operations and procedures that will make this school safer and more efficient. Additionally, continue to make connections and find ways to connect instruction to all students. This document reflects many of these new operations and procedures.

As a team we reviewed this entire document to make our expectations clearer for students,  staff and families. Each new procedure and policy is aligned with the core values of Haverhill High School. You will notice that consequences for actions are not clearly spelled out. The purpose is to allow the administration the discretion to do what is best for that student. However, please note the administration team is and will be calibrated in terms of procedures and consequences to make things as fair and consistent as possible. As it is difficult to provide an all-inclusive document that captures all incidents that may occur at the high school, it serves as a supplement to the decision making of the faculty and administrative team at Haverhill High School.  

Whether you are a new parent/caregiver or one who has been with us before, please review this document with your student(s). The overall intent of the Student Handbook is to assist in providing an environment that best supports teaching and student learning. While all your inquiries may not be included in this document, a directory is included and will assist you in contacting the appropriate staff member.

Safety is paramount for everyone in the school; hence, the primary focus on changes is protocols and procedures. My primary job and focus is the safety of all and therefore we are implementing changes that will help us, along with the cooperation of the staff, students and families. Social probation and the restorative practice to get off of social probation are to serve as reminders that participation/attendance of any athletic event and/or club/activity are privileges. How students perform in school and follow our core values will determine access to those privileges. Students who do the right thing day in and day out and have earned those privileges should be recognized with participation/attendance. Additionally, everyone should be aware that excessive absences and tardies will negatively impact academic performance and prohibit participation in athletics and clubs.

The main message of accountability and fairness leads me to my final remarks. My staff and team are here to connect with students and this document will serve as the base for expectations for all of us. I hope your student(s) take advantage of the many great opportunities to join clubs and to participate on athletic teams that are listed in the Student Handbook.  You will find that participation in these activities will assist you in making life-long connections.

Michael J. Downs
Principal Haverhill High School

Meet our 2024-2025 Administration

Waterfall Schedule


Wednesday, August 28, 2024 – Please click on Mark Lawrence above or here for the Order form link!

On July 25, the School Committee unanimously approved the new cell phone policy at the high school to help students focus on learning while in class, to increase student engagement, and to prevent coordinated events while in class. The policy states that cell phones (and other electronic devices) must be turned off and cell phones must be put into the designated classroom container or on silent in a backpack. No cell phone use is allowed while out on a hall pass during class time.

Students will still be able to check their phones between classes or during lunch but families can call the main office to reach students if an emergency arises.

Working as a team to implement this policy will make concerns about staff confiscating phones a non-issue as we are giving students the same message to have phones away during class times. Again, this policy is to help with learning, maintain better safety, and protect the dignity of students in moments that may be out of their control.

Additionally, Haverhill High School staff is expected to model this policy as well and will not have cell phones out during instructional times in class. Thank you for your support and cooperation as we work together to create the best possible learning environment.


What is the Parent / Student Portal?

Find out how to access your students School Brains using the Parent Portal. Step-by-step instructions can be found at this link.

Device Waiver Fee

As part of the District’s 1:1 initiative, every Haverhill Public Schools student receives a HPS-issued Chromebook. HPS offers the opportunity to protect school-issued devices for the school year by paying a Device Waiver Fee. As outlined in the HPS Student Technology Device Policy, this $20 fee will help to cover the costs of potential damage, repair, or loss for the school year for the assigned device. Please note: issues of theft should still be reported to the police. The Device Waiver Fee is available for purchase throughout the school year.


What does it cost?  Cost of Insurance Only $20 covers: All parts, Damage / Loss* / Theft* With unlimited claims and zero deductibles for the school year! *Cases of Loss/Theft will require a police report within 5 days of incident

Replacement Cost Without Insurance: If the annual optional Damage Waiver Fee is not purchased, the typical cost of repairing components, where an invoice could be sent to the family, is as follows:

Charger – $39
LCD Screen – $80
Top/Bottom Cover – $30-35
Keyboard – $70
Trackpad – $10
Device Replacement (for loss or when damage to the device is unrepairable) – $199

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of payment methods are available?

The digital form will securely accept major Credit Cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Cash App, and ACH bank transfers.

Do I have to purchase the Device Waiver Fee online?

No, you can visit the main office of your child’s school to sign up and pay for the Device Waiver Fee.

Do I have to buy Device Waiver Fee for each child?

Yes, the $20 covers a single student for the school year.

What do I do if my child’s device is lost or stolen?

These situations are covered under the Device Waiver Fee policy, as well, but do require that a police report be filed within 5 days of the incident. Please provide a copy of the report to your child’s school to assist in processing the claim.

What does the Fee Invoice look like?

Should a fee for damaged equipment be processed in the system, the parent/guardians on file will receive an email invoice with a link to pay digitally. The email will come from “Incident IQ Notifications” with the Subject of “Haverhill Public Schools: Statement for User [student’s name]”. An example is below.

Information is also located here:  https://www.haverhill-ps.org/technology/device-waiver-fee/

The MCJROTC did not slow down during the Summer. In June we took 27 Cadets to New Hampshire for a 3 day Leadership Camp. In July we sent 10 of our Leaders to 5 different individual Leadership Camps in Virginia and Pennsylvania. In August we had 21 of our Leaders, including 7 seniors, climb Mt. Monadnock, Mt. Cannon, Mt. Jefferson and on 21 August we conquered Mt. Washington.

1stSgt David W. Grinstead, Sr. USMC (Ret)
Senior Marine Instructor
Haverhill High School Marine Corps JROTC