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High School

November 25-29, 2024

For all district related events please visit the District Calendar!
Counseling Connection (updated regularly!) Counseling Connection!
For Sports related events please visit the Haverhill Hillies Calendar!
For any district related events please visit our Haverhill Public Schools Facebook Page
HHS CLUBS 2024-2025


Morning Announcements are now also available on your student’s Google Classroom!

Reminder of our attendance policy (Page 24 of the Student Handbook), if you arrive late, please check into the main office to make sure you are marked present for the day. If you have to leave before the end of the day, your parent/guardian must call to dismiss you, and that person must come in and sign you out in the main office.

Upcoming Events

Mon & Tue, Nov. 25 & 26 – The Haverhill High History Club will be hosting its first annual Thanksgiving Day Bake Sale, before and after school in the Mall area on, Monday / Tuesday.

    • Proceeds will benefit upcoming field trips and help to fund the transportation cost to our National History Day competition late this winter.

Tue, Nov. 26 – Dodgeball Tournament! 3PM in HHS Gymnasium; $5pp or $50 per team – Sign up/pay Room 205 by 11/22

Tue, Nov. 26 – Planning and Financial Aid for Seniors! 6-7PM HHS Auditorium

Wed, Nov. 27 – Half Day Wednesday Schedule

A – Block 1 – 7:25 –  8:07 am.
D – Block 2 – 8:12  – 8:54 am.
E – Block 3 – 8:59 –  9:41 am
B – Block 4 – 9:46 – 10:25 am.

Wed, Nov. 27 – ATTENTION SENIORS – Wednesday, following the Senior Class Drone picture, we will have our annual Turkey Toss!  If you wish to participate, please sign up your team of two players via the Google Form in Google Classroom.  One teammate will throw and the other will catch. The competition will be tournament style, with the winners receiving a prize.  ONLY THE FIRST 10 TEAMS TO SIGN UP WILL BE PERMITTED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE TURKEY TOSS.  The deadline to sign up is Monday at 2:05 PM.”

THANKSGIVING BREAK! Thursday, November 28 & Friday, November 29 – No School

Tue, Dec. 17 – Winter Concert

Late Bus information:

 (see late bus schedules/routes)

Students MUST have a late bus pass from a classroom teacher, club advisor, or coach to be able to take the late bus. If they don’t have a reason to stay, then make sure they find a way home straight after school.




This past weekend, a team from Haverhill High School and the Haverhill Public Schools including District History Coach Meg DeLong, HHS teachers Amie Aloisi and Ted Kempinski, and John Craven spent some time at the National Council for the Social Studies annual conference in Boston.
Haverhill High School was on full display at this conference:
HHS Students Sadie Campbell, Natalie Guice, Callie Mueller, Bella Salvato, Leah Paradis, Leilana George, Nyomi Morales and  Ailyn Rosario-Hernandez were invited by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to present their 8th or 10th grade civics projects from last year to the more than 5,000 attendees from around the nation at a session on Saturday morning.
To watch the poise, intelligence, and passion of these students on display as they answered questions and discussed their issues with educators from around the country was one of the highlights of the conference for all of us, and was certainly more than we could have done at their ages!
It definitely provided a needed reminder of the importance of what we do as we head to the Thanksgiving holiday!
B. HHS Teacher and HPS Lead Genocide Educator Ted Kempinski was made an Honorary Consul of Memory for the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum after their panel presentation about the virtual visits to the site that our students have been participating in on Friday.
This is the first time that this honor has been bestowed on a public school educator in this country, and it makes Ted an official representative of the site in the United States. He will be working closely with the Education Director at Auschwitz to bring Auschwitz In Front of Your Eyes to more schools around the country.
C. Meg, Amie, Ted, and John Craven gave a presentation about the work of our 9th grade team integrating the Auschwitz virtual visit into a broader genocide curriculum at the conference on Saturday afternoon.
We wish we could say that we were as eloquent as our students standing in front of our poster, but that would take away the magnificent work that those students did in the morning. It was an honor for Meg and John to present the work of their magnificent Grade 9 World History II team to educators from across the country, and they received, on their behalf, many thanks for the work that they have done.








If you see these wonderful people, please give them a congratulations!


Calling Junior & Senior Parents/Guardians: Information on financial aid, although necessary, can be a boring topic. Our School Counseling Department at HHS would like to put a spin on it this year and host Kevin Fudge who is a representative of MEFA. He is an entertaining presenter and provides the ins and outs of FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). He will be presenting to interested families on Tuesday, November 26th from 6-7pm at High School in the auditorium. FAFSA opens on December 1st. Please join us! If you will be attending and require translation services please contact:

Check out all of the happenings in our School Counseling Department in the new Counseling Newsletter!

College Visits to HHS!

SENIORS – make sure you listen to the announcements (or check your Google Classroom) for upcoming college visits!

This is a great opportunity to get a face to face with the local college reps!

Check out the new December Counseling Newsletter!

SAVE THE DATE: GRADUATION for CLASS of 2025 will take place on June 6, 2025 at 5:45PM at the Trinity Stadium in Haverhill!

HHS College Application Transcript Request Form

  • You must submit one form for each school
  • Fill out this form completely and submit at least 2 weeks prior to the application deadline.

HEALTH SCREENINGS - 10th Grade students


The nurse’s office will be completing health screenings during the week of December 2nd on all 10th grade students per MA regulations. Screenings include height, weight, hearing, vision, and scoliosis. The scoliosis screening requires assessment of the student’s spine, so we suggest for comfort, wearing a sports bra or tank top underneath regular clothing. Please make sure your student (s) bring their eye glasses to the screening if they are prescribed them already. If you would like to opt out of these screenings for your student, or have questions, please email prior to December 1st.


Haverhill Public Schools is hosting a district wide food and hygiene drive to collect essential items.

Volunteer for 15 hours and we will pay you up to $500 to the activity of your choosing (this does not include Driver’s Ed)

ATTENTION SENIORS! The Class of 2025 is selling class hoodies for $35 each until Monday, December 2! Please support your class. The more money we raise, the cheaper your Prom tickets will be! Cash or check must be delivered to M11 by Monday, December 2, 2024! If we do not receive payment by that date, your order will be CANCELLED!!!

Duck. Dodge. Dominate — Dodgeball is back! The Class of 2027 Dodgeball Tournament will be Tuesday, November 26 at 3pm in the gym.













Check out these flyers!


Today I was honored to spend the day with my beautiful wife and 2000 Marines in Boston to Celebrate the 249th Birthday of our beloved Marine Corps. Thank you Mr. Downs for allowing me to take the day off and get this honor. I was also honored to meet General Kelly, Colonel Barnum (Medal of Honor Recipient from Vietnam) The Commandant of the Marine Corps General Smith and LtCol (Retired) Rob Riggle. What a great day and I look forward to sharing this experience with all of the Cadets tomorrow. Happy Birthday Marines, Happy Veterans day and thank you for your service and as always Semper Fidelis!!!

1stSgt David W. Grinstead, Sr. USMC (Ret)
Senior Marine Instructor
Haverhill High School Marine Corps JROTC

Between 21 October and 4 November the Haverhill High School MCJROTC hosted a postal Marine Corps Physical Fitness Test (teams from Massachusetts, Delaware, Idaho, New Hampshire, New Jersey and Maryland Male and female teams completed 2 min push ups, 2 min crunches, pull ups, planks and 1 mile run and sent their scores to Haverhill.)  12 teams total competed in the male division with the Haverhill Male team finishing in 1st place overall and also earning 11 individual medals.  7 teams total competed in the female division with the Haverhill Female team finishing in 1st place and also earning 11 individual Medals.  Thank you for the continued support of our program.


CTE students at Haverhill High School attended an exciting field trip to the University of Massachusetts in Lowell.  Biomedical Science and Healthcare Occupations students toured the Solomont School of Nursing where they observed simulation labs and learned about the college majors available there.  During a tour of the Kennedy College of Sciences they were able to visit chemistry and physics labs as well as learn about UML’s nuclear reactor.  Students participated in hands-on activities in the Anatomy and Physiology lab as well as the chemistry lab and learned about U Mass Lowell’s ongoing work to assist in the development of tools used to make healthcare treatment modalities more personally and effectively targeted.  Students also had the opportunity to hear about life as a UML student from HHS graduates and current UML students in a panel discussion.  A huge thank you to UML staff and students for being so welcoming to HHS students!  For more information about CTE Work-Based Learning opportunities, contact Lisa Hunt at

HHS CTE Healthcare Occupations Juniors visited Whittier Rehabilitation Hospital in Bradford. Nursing staff explained the different units available for patient care and toured students through the facility, including the Transitional Care Unit where they have a pool, car and shopping spaces.  Students were able to learn about the different professionals working at the facility and their job duties.  Chris Olenio, Regional Administrator, and Bob Iannaco, Administrator, welcomed students and answered questions related to daily processes at the rehab facility as well as opportunities offered to workers there. This was an excellent opportunity for students to become familiar with a clinical setting prior to attending their clinical placement in the Spring.  We are thankful to Whittier Health Network for all the support they provide our CTE Healthcare Occupations program and students!  For more information about CTE work-based learning opportunities, contact Lisa Hunt at

HHS CTE Engineering Seniors had the opportunity to tour Magellan Aerospace.  This was great exposure to the manufacturing industry, as these students learn about these concepts during their Computer Integrated Manufacturing class.  Shawn Weeks, Director of Operations, provided a thorough tour of the manufacturing process, from the design phase to the quality assurance and shipping!  We are so appreciative of the opportunity and felt so welcomed by the Magellan staff.  For more information about CTE work-based learning opportunities, contact Lisa Hunt at


Mrs. Johnston’s Freshmen CTE Biomedical Science students had a wonderful time with Forensic Chemistry Professor Kwok-Fan Chow from the University of Massachusetts Lowell on Tuesday.  They were introduced to applied analytical chemistry and learned how to do thin layer chromatography to perform presumptive tests on narcotics in the field.  Students had to solve the mystery of the unknown drug and they were very successful!  We thank Dr. Kwok for an incredible visit!

HHS CTE Healthcare Occupations Sophomores started their Job Shadow experiences at Hannah Duston this week.  This is an exciting new addition to the program, allowing students to get more familiar with a long term care environment prior to starting their clinical experiences during Junior year.  Each student will have the opportunity to shadow in five different departments throughout the school year.  We are thankful for this invaluable partnership with Whittier Health Network and especially thank Ryan Barry, Hannah Duston Administrator, and Chris Olenio, Regional Administrator.  For more information about CTE Work-Based Learning opportunities, contact Lisa Hunt at

HHS CTE Juniors in Information Technology, Computer Science & Web Development and PLTW Engineering/Manufacturing visited Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Students learned about the college, heard from a couple of our alumni who now attend WPI, and toured the campus. HHS students asked great questions and learned a lot, which will help them make those hard decisions for their future college and career path. Thank you WPI for hosting such a great visit! For more information about CTE Work-Based Learning opportunities, contact Lisa Hunt at


Due to poverty levels in Haverhill, all students receive free breakfast and lunch at school.

But there are 68 hours between lunch on Friday and breakfast on Monday when many students go hungry.

If you are in a position to help the school community please reach out to Maureen Simmons!

Together we will make a difference towards food insecurity.
Thank you so much to all the community members who gave so much last year! It takes a village!



SchoolBrains | Parent Portal Access

Gain access to the Haverhill Public Schools Community Portal, where you can look up your student’s information related to schedules, grades, attendance, and more.

Step 1 – Contact Your School – Contact your child(ren)’s schools and make sure your email address and other relevant contact information is up to date.  Without this, you will not be able to receive a Portal Account.

Step 2 – Check Your Email – You may already have a message from the SchoolBrains Portal Support with the link and initial login information in your email. It may be in Junk/SPAM, so check there just in case! – The email will be from with the subject “SchoolBrains Community Portal Account.”

Step 3 – Login and Access! – You can find the Portal website link from the welcome email, as well as on the HPS LaunchPad at underneath “Admin/Community Links.”

Troubleshooting – If you did not receive an automated email, simply contact Portal Support by emailing from the email address you have on file with the school.

Please also include the following in the email:

  • Your Full Name
  • The Full name of your child(ren)
  • Your Full email address
  • Your child(ren)’s Grade Level(s) and School(s)
  • Detailed explanation of issue